- 50th
Anniversary Roswell UFO Cartoons Upload Festival
A research association specialising in ancient astronauts.
- Abductee.net
"Explore Abductee.net for the latest information on extra
terrestrials, UFOs, alien abduction and government conspiracy.
Shop Abductee.net for quality Abductee products and services."
- Abduction
Information Center
- About.com's UFO site
Excellent site put together by Loy Lawhon with links to all the
latest UFO news.
- Above Top Secret -
Uncovering Government Conspiracies
- Alberta UFO Study Group
- Alex
Cavallari: UFO- Paranormal Investigator
- The
Alien Astronomer
Exploring the exciting and mysterious worlds of ufology,
astronomy and secret societies.
- Alien
Alien groups and their influence upon this planet.
- The Alien Gif
Alien Head
Alien and UFO desktop wallpaper, clip art and fonts produced by
a truly imaginative force on a creative mission.
- Alien Link
Alien abduction and UFO sighting reports. Books on Roswell,
Area 51 and other UFO encounters. Dramatic Alien screensavers and
Alien Observer
Alien Observer.com - Explore and Explain the Alien/UFO
Alien Press
A UK based site which has archived UK Parliamentary records
relating to UFO interceptions and sightings in British
- The Anomalist
The Anomalist is a twice-yearly periodical, exploring the
mysteries of science, nature, and history. Each illustrated issue
is published in an attractive, quality paperback format. An online
edition is available - worth checking out!
- Area 51 Research
- AREA-X.co.uk
The Ultimate Conspiracy Community
- Arman
Sabciyan's Weird Area
- Australian UFO
Research Network
- AvatarSearch
Search Engine of the Occult Internet!
North East Wales - Guides - Weird
UFOs, Ghosts and Weird REports from North East Wales
- Blood
A serious study of what is known as the "Chupacabra". It is an
orderly collection of data, photographs, sketches and interviews
with witnesses, some obtained first hand.
Bob Pratt
At his site Bob gives details of of over 20 years of UFO
research in the USA, Brazil and other countries.
- B.U.F.O.D.
Space, Above and Beyond
(British UFO Research Association)
UFO Group (U.K.)
Crop Circle Research Network (CCRN)
- Canadian UFO
- CAUS - Citizens Against UFO
- Center for
Physical Trace Research
Ted Phillips is the world's leading in-the-field (literally)
expert on UFO physical-trace research. Ted is currently both the
Co-Assistant Director for Missouri MUFON, and the Director of
Physical Trace Research for MUFON International.
- The
Chupacabra Home Page
Alien, myth, or new breed?
A myth? A legend? All we know is that it strikes in the night
and has a weakness for blood. Put away the goats, and any other
household pets, my friends, cause the Chupacabra may be coming to
a barn near YOU. Find out more about Puerto Rico's version of the
Yeti, the infamous Chupacabra.
- Close
Encounters of the Sixth Kind
Devoted to cases involving injury, death or healing to the
witnesses involved.
- Crop
Circle Connector
Scientific Research into the Worldwide Crop Circle
CropCircleAnswers.com is the web site project
of Millennium Research, aimed at providing answers to some of the
most important questions raised by the worldwide Crop Circle
phenomenon. When complete this site will include the in depth
decoding of more than 150 non-manmade Crop Circle ‘pictograms’;
extensive Crop Circle ‘luminosity’ research, presenting compelling
photographic evidence of a luminous phenomenon associated with
Crop Circle creation; Crop Circle science; theories; links; and
information on related parapsychological phenomena.
The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
- Crowded Skies
Crowded Skies is the website for London UFO Studies.
- Dark
Side Of The Moon
- Deb's UFO Research
Information Clearinghouse
- The Devil's
- Dreamland Interactive
Entertainment UFO
"A UFO / Paranormal Information Mega site! Many informative
links, discussion group, Entertaining and Educational CD-ROM
productions, a UFO update and much more!"
- Dreamscapes: A
Huge Mysteries Megasite
UFO's, NASA, Astronomy, Pyramids, Inca's, Maya's, Egypt,
Bigfoot, Caves, Black Holes, Oceanic, Museums, Rainforests, Mount
Everest, Volcanos, Twisters, Northern Lights, Planetariums And
Other Mysteries.
- E.L.F. Infested Spaces -
Journal of Possible Paradigms
- El Disco
"The Net's best UFO and Paranormal image bank."
placing over 500 UFO images online.
- The Enigma Channel
The Enigma Channel broadcasts documentaries, movies and
trailers about UFOs, Crop Circles and Earth Mysteries 24 hours a
day for FREE on the world wide web.
- The Enterprise
The official Web page of Richard C. Hoagland.
The UFO Search Engine Project
- Filer's Files
Archived here on UFOINFO and also available from the Filer's Files
- 50th
Anniversary Roswell UFO Cartoons Upload Festival
Commemorating the Roswell UFO Incident with cartoons uploaded
by visitors and subscribing members.
- Flying Saucer Review
FLYING SAUCER REVIEW is an international journal established in
1955, and with Prince Philip, overseas governments and air force
libraries as long-term subscribers, FSR is recognised as the
leading international organ in the world on the subject.
Besides carrying the latest UFO reports from all parts of the
English-speaking world, the Review also regularly includes
numerous reports translated directly from the leading foreign
languages --- French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch,
the Scandinavian languages, Russian and Slavonic languages,
Chinese and Arabic.
- Flying Saucery
Exclusively reporting on the latest MOD documents discovered
regarding the Rendlesham Forest incident.
- From The
"From the Stars web site is, in part, devoted to raising
awareness about the UFO phenomenon. It also describes my two
personal experiences with the same UFO, which was photographed,
witnessed and published as a feature story in the July 1999 issue
of MUFON journal..."
- The Fund for UFO Research
- The Genesis
"The site gives mathematical proof of alien activity in the
Solar System."
- Globe in
"Exploring the influence of aliens on rock music and popular
Hard Evidence
Recovered metal from UFO encounter.
Eye witness, sworn
statement, and polygraph test.
Army recovered similar if not
identical object in 40s before "Roswell."
Verified by
declassified FOIA documents recieved by John Greenewald of the
Black Vault.
- Heavens Above
Heavens Above maintains a set of dynamic Web pages which
generate visibility predictions for visible satellites and Iridium
flares for ANY location on the Earth. The predictions are
generated dynamically each time a page is requested, so you can
obtain the very latest predictions, using the most recently
available orbit data, and customised for your own location and
time zone.
Could be of use for checking out any sightings.
- The Hickman
A Pop-Art exploration of UFO Phenomena
New episodes every
- Historical
Artwork and UFOs
A compilation of artwork depicting UFOs through the ages.
Houston UFO Network
- Incredible
Bob's UFO & Paranormal Page
- The International
Center for Abduction Research
- International Society for UFO
The International Society for UFO Research (ISUR), a non-profit
organization, was formed to establish a global network to: promote
scientific research of the UFO phenomenon; to provide access to
timely, credible UFO information; and to provide an open forum for
the exchange of ideas. Our members are committed to scientific
research, education and dissemination of UFO information.
- The International UFO Museum
and Research Centre
The IUFOMRC web site was originally maintained by Faeylyn
Wylder who designed most of the UFO and Alien artwork for the
UFOINFO & UFO Roundup websites.
- Intruders
International UFO Skeptics
The James
- Jason Leigh
- Jeff Rense
Jeff Rense continues to produce the most consistently
fascinating talk and information programs in America. In addition
to over 200 outstanding national broadcast affiliates, Jeff rates
as the world's fourth most listened to radio program on internet
giant, Yahoo/broadcast.com.
Korni's UFOs
The Lone
The Lost Haven
Down To Earth Magazine on The Net: For your UFO Downloads.
Excellent and varied UFO Articles - help For UFO Researchers and
UFO Events and Links. Edited by Roy Hale.
Look No
Intriguing photo-evidence from one of Mexico's UFO-hotspots.
Includes many related links to the Popocatepetl phenomenon and
invites you to discuss your views in the looknowings forum.
LUNA is a revolutionary network of 25 single high speed
databases. The network tries to bundle local and regional
sightings in order to differentiate between secret military
projects, so called "black projects", and extraterrestrial UFOs.
The national security is of course in our paramount interest, so
we only investigate "against" UFO secrecy. LUNA allows you to
track local and regional UFO sightings in your area, you can also
find additional witnesses for a specified sighting with it.
Malta UFO Research
- Man-Made Flying
Saucer Archives
- Mike's
UFO Connection
"My primary goal in creating this site, aside from personal
interest, was to allow the user a means to navigate the vast
amount of UFO-related material currently on the WWW. Mike's UFO
Connection is by no means a vast archive of photographs or
articles, but it can serve as a guide to the best, most useful
information and websites on the subject."
- Mississippi
UFO sightings in the State of Mississippi. We have a Message
Forum, Sighting report center, Chat room, Voice Chat room,
Database and Historical Sightings page. On the web since 1995.
- Mr Invader
Mr. Invader is a UFO/Alien cartoon character who moved into the
neighborhood and nothing has been the same since.
- MUFON - The Mutual UFO Network
- National UFO Reporting
The National UFO Reporting Center, located in Seattle, WA, was
founded in 1974. The center's primary function over the past two
decades has been to receive, record, and to the greatest degree
possible corroborate and document reports from individuals who
have been witness to unusual, possibly UFO related events.
- Omnivision Chile UFO
Covers activity in the Lake Ontario area.
- OVNIS, Stop
The Oz Files
The website of Australian UFO Researcher Bill Chalker
- Paraweb
- Phenomenon
The world of the mysterious and unexplained.
In the pages of this Web site you will hopefully be led on a
journey that will show you the entire known history of how the
most powerful man in the world has dealt with the most highly
classified secret of the last century. In short, this is the story
of how the President and the White House have dealt with the
mystery of UFOs.
Profiles in
"Profiles in UFOlogy" is a series of very in-depth one-on-one
video interviews with leading contemporary UFOlogists. Each
program focuses primarily upon the interviewee's own body of work
and unique contributions to the field of UFOlogy. The intent of
the series is to broadly raise awareness of the phenomenon among
the general public, as well as to stimulate deeper reflection and
dialogue within the UFOlogical community. The ongoing video series
is dedicated to achieving these ends by providing viewers with
informative and thought-provoking discussion with key UFO
researchers, investigators and experiencers.
Project 1947
Project UFO
Quebec Insolite
French Language
- Reptoids.com
"The worlds first communications site dedicated to the
scientific study of the reptilian image in Earth's ancient
mytho-history and modern UFO phenomena. Reptilians, Draco,
Reptoids..it's all here for your review."
The Research of
Jerry Cohen
Select cases and moments from UFO History
- RUFORS - (Russian UFO
Research Station)
An Enlish language translation of this site which acts as a
Russian Ufology portal server is being prepared at: http://ufo.psu.ru/eng/
- San Diego
- San Diego UFO Society
- Saucer
Humour, sarcasm and......occasional information about the UFO
subject bought to you in an on-line magazine.
- The Secret Directory
The Secret Directory is a directory of diverse subjects from
Conspiracies through UFOs to Weird Science
- The Signal and
- Silver
- Skynet
"The purpose of this site is an online UFO library of home
video UFO evidence. It will store and add interesting and relavent
evidence of strange flying machines in our skies."
- Skywatch
SKYWATCH INTERNATIONAL has groups forming in many countries. We
cover many subjects other than just UFO's. Among them are Crop
Circles, Cattle and Human Mutilations, Abductions, and the
International UFO Reseach Organization
- smallgreY
smallgreY, a comic strip where an alien, Venutian, Martian,
cats, and primitives live their odd little lives on Cydonia,
Mars... an odd little comic....
The Search Project for Aspects of Close Encounters.
- Space Alien
A satirical look at the subject of UFOs.
- Stan Gordon's UFO
Anomalies Zone
UFO investigator Stan Gordon is the producer of the video
'Kecksburg: The Untold Story.' Full details of the video and other
UFO sightings are available at the site.
- Strange
Remote Viewing in the UK
- The Supernatural
- Tasmanian UFO
Investigation Centre
- This Is: UFOlogy
- Truth Seeker at
The web site of Dennis Balthaser: UFO Researcher, Investigator
and Lecturer.
- Truthseekers
The UFO Page
- *U* UFO Database, Mapping
and Research Tool
Products do not normally get an entry on my links page but for
*U* I am making an exception.
The database currently contains over 17,425 high-quality UFO
EVENTS distilled from hundreds of books, major journals, UFO
catalogs and other high quality sources making it a very useful
research tool. One thing that sets this database apart is that
"Junk" sightings (night-lights, fireballs, discovered hoaxes etc.)
are systematically filtered out.
All the news from British Columbia
- UFO Challenge
UFO Challenge. Reward for Hard Evidence of Visitation. UFO and
space news, information, links.
Clipart Galore
Free Alien, Spaceship and UFO Images for use on other UFO
related sites. Special artist pages, Roswell UFO Incident article,
UFO books, links and videos.
- UFO Disclosure
- The UFO
UFO Folklore. A new UFO site with a twist. (Shaken, not
stirred!) Very Current News, UFO Gallery, UFOs and Disney,
Rockefeller and Clinton. Great Quotes, Great links and more. The
"Buck Rogers" of Ufology!
- UFO India
The first UFO site in India!
- UFO Magazine U.K.
- UFO Magazine USA
- UFO Master Index
NOTE: This site has been frozen and will no longer be updated.
Still worth visiting for the wealth of information gathered by
Glen Campbell.
Scandinavian UFO Network
- UFO Norway
- UFO Phenomena in
the North
Information on this site relats to the sightings of
unidentified flying objects in the Northwest Territories of
Private UFO Investigations - Dallas, Arlington, Fort Worth, and
Irving Texas. Now includes a "65 Years of Texas Sightings"
- UFO Raport
Polish UFO site.
- The UFO
- UFO Reports.com
- UFO Research:
- UFO Research New South
Research of Finland
- U.F.O.
Researcher (Australia)
Home Page of Barry Taylor
Barry is an independent UFO Researcher in Australia who is
compiling details of UFO Sightings and Abductions.
- UFO Roundup
Archived here on UFOINFO in case you did not know!
- UFO Scotland
Scotland's UFO data-base.
- UFO Sweden
- UFO World
Important news on the UFO phenomenon and its diverse facets,
some background material and a reference library of links to
significant sites.
- UFOcity.com
"The Ultimate UFO Resource"
The UFO Resource Center
- UFOs
in New England
UFOs The
Untold Truth
- UFOseek - The Paranormal
& UFO Search Engine
From Alien Abductions to Area 51, crop circles to conspiracies,
spirituality, Y2K and current UFO news, you'll find it all on the
UFOseek the search engine devoted to UFO's and the Paranormal.
A Melbourne based web-site with the latest on UFO sightings and
new science in Australia and around the world. There is also an
extensive time-line of events. We believe that UFO's are the
result of military research into weaponary and spying and that
alien theory was born from carefully diseminated disinformation
Covering UFOs From Serious to Absurd. Distinguishing Fact From
Fantasy. Exposing the Parasites, Delusional Personalities, Morons
and Frauds Currently Polluting UFOlogy.
- UFOZone
- United Kingdom UFO
Subscription information, back issues and files to download.
- Unusual
- Victorian U.F.O.
Research Society
- Violations
The Virtually Strange
Amongst other subjects the site now hosts the UFO Updates
archive, 'Strange Days... Indeed' program & archive, The
Abduction Information Center site, and the MUFON Ontario
Wally World UFO Home
Water UFO Research
- Whitley Strieber's
Unknown Country
- World Wide UFO Reporting
- X-Project
Paranormal Magazine
- Yahoo!
UFO Information
- Zerotime
Paranormal Research